system call --->
1) o.s provides their services via system call API
2) system call API are implemented using system libraries and
system call interface layer of o.s
3) system call API are depend on interrupt handling mechnism of h/w and o.s
system is computing system and we can say here kernel is subsystem of computing system .
types of subsystems --->
1) process management
2) phy and virtual memory subsystem
3) file and logical file manegement subsystem
4) i/o subsystem
5) device drivers
6) interrupt subsystem
7) IPC subsystem
8) timer subsystem
9) many more
subsystem are used to manage the components ( same name with manager eg. interrupt manager ).
types of components --->
1) s/w components
2) h/w components
but here o.s is made up of many s/w componenets that manages h/w resources and logical resources.
work of s/w components --->
1) used to provide the environment ( developer and controlled ) and funtionality
to the application s/w components
( assembler/compiler, system libraries or GUI interface )
2) initialize the h/w resources ( device drivers and i/o subsystem )
3) manage the h/w resources ( i/o subsystem , file system manager,
physical/virtual memory manager, cpu scheduler ).
4) provide interface between user and computing system ( system libraries, system utilities )
s/w components are of 2 type core and non-core components-->
core components --> used for manage and initialize the h/w and provide services to the non-core
components , application and user ( non-core- libraries , utilities and execution framework
that enable the user/admin to interface and utilize the services of o.s 1 and 4 in above case).
( core - device driver, i/o subsystem ) (2 and 3 in above case )
-->non-core components are residing in user space.
-->all components are not standalone components i.e they are depend on each other
-->all components are co-exists in layer and hierarchical form.
-->o.s is called as layer and modular model
layer --> 1 components are depend on each other and flow of control / commands /data
is strict ( higher to lower level )
modularity -->core features can be added and remove as needed ( modules )
-->some of the layers can interact very closely with hardware controller called HAL layer ( 1 type of
component )
-->i/o subsystem and device driver are 2 they are using HAL to do work with h/w
-->HAL is in machine language ( particular or architecture specific ) and device driver is in
high level language.
-->for particular arch/Board HAL is different so if o.s having particular HAL for particular Board
on that arch/board that o.s will be loded
back to system call --------------->
system call interaface layer will invoke the trap handler when system call API is invoked
and as the rule of system call API it invoke appropraite system call system routine in appropriate
subsystem .
process management subsystem having IPC , scheduler and memory management
may be schduler can take as seperate subsystem and can interact directly HAL layer
( hardware control )( ex. context switch )
top most layer of memory management called as process/vitual management layer and lower 1
called as physical memory manager.
same with file subsystem layer.
device management having device driver and i/o subsystem
user space and system space are divided as memory regions and some attributes and these attributes
setting are taken care by system and processor rules.
for user space may be this attribute is not set.
user space and system or kernel space is nothing is the memory regions containing kernel
or user components.
user space inlcude ( non core component of o.s and application ).
kernel include ( core components having kernel data structure ).
and those memory regions are non-contigous but put together.
-->priviledge and non priviledge mode are controlled via processor's control registers.
-->these division user and system mode or less or more priviledge mode are done by some
hardware techniques ( processor is divide into layers ( data / instruction flow )
and if less priviledge mode than it will block it in some layer)
( like here for system memory it will block the layer for user coming instruction ).
all table like term will be stored in the kernel data structure ( i.e memory )
system interrupt handling --> interrupt management
-->interrupt subsystem is there that will take care of interrupt table and it is very archtecture
specific and managed with the help of HAL.
-->for each interrupt type/no there is particular handler, o.s will point or setup the
control register of processor to point to the interrupt handler table base address.
-->suppose h/w timer interrupt came all other h/w interrupt will be disabled swicth will happen
cpu ( less to more pv mode ) stack switch ( usr to system ).
-->stack switch will be done with the help of h/w and several register will be modified and will
save into the system stack.
-->cpu will execute the jump instruction and startexecution of the paticular handler and
if handler completes its job it will execute the special instruction and this will reverse
back all the instruction taken.
-->cpu will return back to that executed instruction and resumes execution normally.
--> special jump is similar to h/w interrupt but it is a machine instruction implemented by
interrupt mechanism.
process management
about process --> having pd ( process descriptor ) ( unique and describing several resource
& information )
1) process id
2) process state
3) scheduling parameter ( policy , time slice and details )
4) system stack address ( run time context address )
( system stack wil store at the time of blocked, waiting, system call jump execution )
5)maintain address of active file of this process.
6) maintain memory descriptor ( virtua and physical memory location of the process )
7) field which help system to put the process in ready queue ( 1 for ech processor )
or wait queue ( 1 for each resources ) ( 1 for each i/o channels )
8) credentials
if resources are there for process , the process will be in ready queue and if not in wait queue.
when the process is running in the processor it can be prempted by higher priority or due to end
of time slice.( time slice exhausted ) and added to ready queue not in wait queue
( in case of premption )
process creation -->
1) new pd will be created in pd table.
2) new pid will be given to process.
3) resources and object allocated and added to pd
4) that pd will be added to the 1 or more list processmanagement subsystem ( ipc,
memory management, scheduler )
resources of the process will be there till termination.
normal termination-->
-->if a process attempts illegal activity ( as i told processor is also divided in layers to
execute the priviledge instruction ) in this case processor will generates the h/w exception
like a interrupt and handled by exception handler stored with the trap handler and interrupt handler .
-->exception is generated when bypassing system call and trying to access core services of o.s.
now process terminate so scheduler will be invoked may be beacuse of system call API termination
( termination system call ) or exception handler will invoke the scheduler.
may be due to time slice ending ( time slice exhausted )
system call API and system call system routine -->
system call API are implemented using user space system libraries but system call system routine is implemented in different components of o.s.
they are intracting by one to one mapping.
system call API is needed to invoke the system call system routine.
system call API can be implemented using interrupt mechanism.
use of system call API --->
1) process creation and termination
2) thread creation and termination
3) i/o access
4) memory allocation and deallocation
5) syncronization
6) data exchange
7) file input/output access
8) many more
when system call API is invoked there is particular entry in system call libraries.
each system call lib is encoded in assembly language and execute the trap instruction
( system call lib contains ) which when execute cause an intrrupt results in switch from user
to kernel mode.
process will call lib as it call any function. create stack for lib functions. when trap instr
executed register will besaved, mode will change and kernel stack will generate.
buffer allcation ----> for figure MJB book
--> buffer pool is the part of the kernel data stucture and initialize at the time of system start
buffer pool is depend on the memory size and system performation.
--> every disk is logicaly detected by the kernel
i.e every filesystem ( unit number ) is transaleted in logical device number by the disk driver
that device number is used by kernel for every file system access
suppose we have 2 file system ext2 and ext3
then disk driver differentiate those drives by logical device number ( drive c, drive d in windows )
each logical device having blocks treated as block number
in bufferpool if we have 2 file system then we have 2 buffer list ( hash queue ) and free list.
buffer pool is only 1 but buffer list may be more
buffer header having buffer header and data array pointer.
we have hash queue and free buffer list ( both are circular doubly linked list )
--->when disk block is requested then process will use getblk algo and will search into the buffer cache
if itis there then return immediately other wise kernel will call the disk driver to schdule for read request
and goes to sleep for event I/O completion.disk driver will notifies the disk controller hardware that it
want to read data and disk controller will transfer the data into buffer.
in free list case --> using recently accessed buffer
the recently free buffer put at the end( tail ) of the list or at the head of the list ( in case of error
( I/O access error, hardware access problem ( in these case disk controller will not inform CPU by
giving intrruptand returned back to free list )) ) not in the middle .
1 disk block only allocated to one particular buffer at a same time.
put buffer in hash queue is same
hashqueue has make by using combination of device number and block number so
for put the disk block into the memory we want some searching acc. to the device number and block number
hash value in the hash queue if location found we will put there or will make location there by some mechenism.
we will get the block detail ( block location is there in hash queue or not ) from the hash queue and
for that block we have to find buffer from the free list.
if /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb3 are there then 2 buffer list ( hash queue ) is there and 2 free list.
buffer may be in hash queue and free list at same time .
buffer allocation is the case of system call only, not user space access
when disk block is accessed then first it will check into the hash queue first then free list
read and write access -->
high level modules ( file sub systenm ) will take care of fast access so it will take not only 1 but
2 disk block from the disk at same time ( time constraints ) ( read ahead algo )
1st will be syncronous that means the disk driver will read the data block into buffer ( will be in sleep
for I/O completion on 1st block ) and will not wait for 2nd. when 2nd will complete disk controller
will give intruupt to CPU that second was asyncronous and will release the buffer.( for other process use )
( like delayed write case ).
same with write operation
asyncronous and delayed write-->
in asyncrounous it will not wait for I/O completion but in delayed write itwill do as soon as possible and
make that as old so it will add to head not to tail.
at time of access if kernel request for the second buffer then it will checkfirst asyncrounous read buffer
and will provide that buffer to the block location.
we have 5 scnerios for buffer allocation
1) suppose i access the disk block from the drive c ( logicaly or /dev/sda2 in unix )
suppose i requested the 7th block data of device /dev/sdb2 so kernel high level algo will serach 7th block
and /dev/sdb hash value and search that in the hash table of particular f.s.
soppose it find the block location for alocation in the hash queue ( 7th block ) and its buffer is free
then it will allocate that buffer at that particular location and data manipulation on that buffer.
applicable to all scnerio --->
buffer will put on busy ( because other process can access that buffer if free )
after completion it will release buffer so other process who is waiting for that buffer to free or process
waiting as there was no free buffer will wakeup and take that buffer.
2) suppose i access the disk block from the drive c ( logicaly or /dev/sda2 in unix )
suppose i requested the 7th block data of device /dev/sdb2 so kernel high level algo will serach 7th block
and /dev/sdb hash value and search that in the hash table of particular f.s.
not find the location to put buffer for that block so it will take the buffer from free list and will make
the location for that block allocated buffer in hash queue.
3) block location is not there ( scnerio 2 ), it will get the buffer from the free list but free list
getting buffer is "delayed write" so asynchronous write for the delayed write buffer into the disk
and release delayed write buffer for other and will serach for other free buffer in free list.if again delayed
write then same process.
4) block location is not there not also free list is empty
it will wait for any free buffer.
5) block location is there but buffer is busy
that means somebody is using that disk block as i told you 1 block == 1 buffer otherwise data will currupt
so itwill wait for that buffer to free.
it will not assign that block dffrent buffer.
here race condition for free block can occur --->
as procee A is using that buffer and process B wants to use that buffer so Process B will go to sleep
but When process complete its task Process C access that because of waiting free buffer so it will
manipulate that may be in different mod list so when process B will wake up itwill check buffer but
buffer is not there so it will take new buffer from free list.
1) o.s provides their services via system call API
2) system call API are implemented using system libraries and
system call interface layer of o.s
3) system call API are depend on interrupt handling mechnism of h/w and o.s
system is computing system and we can say here kernel is subsystem of computing system .
types of subsystems --->
1) process management
2) phy and virtual memory subsystem
3) file and logical file manegement subsystem
4) i/o subsystem
5) device drivers
6) interrupt subsystem
7) IPC subsystem
8) timer subsystem
9) many more
subsystem are used to manage the components ( same name with manager eg. interrupt manager ).
types of components --->
1) s/w components
2) h/w components
but here o.s is made up of many s/w componenets that manages h/w resources and logical resources.
work of s/w components --->
1) used to provide the environment ( developer and controlled ) and funtionality
to the application s/w components
( assembler/compiler, system libraries or GUI interface )
2) initialize the h/w resources ( device drivers and i/o subsystem )
3) manage the h/w resources ( i/o subsystem , file system manager,
physical/virtual memory manager, cpu scheduler ).
4) provide interface between user and computing system ( system libraries, system utilities )
s/w components are of 2 type core and non-core components-->
core components --> used for manage and initialize the h/w and provide services to the non-core
components , application and user ( non-core- libraries , utilities and execution framework
that enable the user/admin to interface and utilize the services of o.s 1 and 4 in above case).
( core - device driver, i/o subsystem ) (2 and 3 in above case )
-->non-core components are residing in user space.
-->all components are not standalone components i.e they are depend on each other
-->all components are co-exists in layer and hierarchical form.
-->o.s is called as layer and modular model
layer --> 1 components are depend on each other and flow of control / commands /data
is strict ( higher to lower level )
modularity -->core features can be added and remove as needed ( modules )
-->some of the layers can interact very closely with hardware controller called HAL layer ( 1 type of
component )
-->i/o subsystem and device driver are 2 they are using HAL to do work with h/w
-->HAL is in machine language ( particular or architecture specific ) and device driver is in
high level language.
-->for particular arch/Board HAL is different so if o.s having particular HAL for particular Board
on that arch/board that o.s will be loded
back to system call --------------->
system call interaface layer will invoke the trap handler when system call API is invoked
and as the rule of system call API it invoke appropraite system call system routine in appropriate
subsystem .
process management subsystem having IPC , scheduler and memory management
may be schduler can take as seperate subsystem and can interact directly HAL layer
( hardware control )( ex. context switch )
top most layer of memory management called as process/vitual management layer and lower 1
called as physical memory manager.
same with file subsystem layer.
device management having device driver and i/o subsystem
user space and system space are divided as memory regions and some attributes and these attributes
setting are taken care by system and processor rules.
for user space may be this attribute is not set.
user space and system or kernel space is nothing is the memory regions containing kernel
or user components.
user space inlcude ( non core component of o.s and application ).
kernel include ( core components having kernel data structure ).
and those memory regions are non-contigous but put together.
-->priviledge and non priviledge mode are controlled via processor's control registers.
-->these division user and system mode or less or more priviledge mode are done by some
hardware techniques ( processor is divide into layers ( data / instruction flow )
and if less priviledge mode than it will block it in some layer)
( like here for system memory it will block the layer for user coming instruction ).
all table like term will be stored in the kernel data structure ( i.e memory )
system interrupt handling --> interrupt management
-->interrupt subsystem is there that will take care of interrupt table and it is very archtecture
specific and managed with the help of HAL.
-->for each interrupt type/no there is particular handler, o.s will point or setup the
control register of processor to point to the interrupt handler table base address.
-->suppose h/w timer interrupt came all other h/w interrupt will be disabled swicth will happen
cpu ( less to more pv mode ) stack switch ( usr to system ).
-->stack switch will be done with the help of h/w and several register will be modified and will
save into the system stack.
-->cpu will execute the jump instruction and startexecution of the paticular handler and
if handler completes its job it will execute the special instruction and this will reverse
back all the instruction taken.
-->cpu will return back to that executed instruction and resumes execution normally.
--> special jump is similar to h/w interrupt but it is a machine instruction implemented by
interrupt mechanism.
process management
about process --> having pd ( process descriptor ) ( unique and describing several resource
& information )
1) process id
2) process state
3) scheduling parameter ( policy , time slice and details )
4) system stack address ( run time context address )
( system stack wil store at the time of blocked, waiting, system call jump execution )
5)maintain address of active file of this process.
6) maintain memory descriptor ( virtua and physical memory location of the process )
7) field which help system to put the process in ready queue ( 1 for ech processor )
or wait queue ( 1 for each resources ) ( 1 for each i/o channels )
8) credentials
if resources are there for process , the process will be in ready queue and if not in wait queue.
when the process is running in the processor it can be prempted by higher priority or due to end
of time slice.( time slice exhausted ) and added to ready queue not in wait queue
( in case of premption )
process creation -->
1) new pd will be created in pd table.
2) new pid will be given to process.
3) resources and object allocated and added to pd
4) that pd will be added to the 1 or more list processmanagement subsystem ( ipc,
memory management, scheduler )
resources of the process will be there till termination.
normal termination-->
-->if a process attempts illegal activity ( as i told processor is also divided in layers to
execute the priviledge instruction ) in this case processor will generates the h/w exception
like a interrupt and handled by exception handler stored with the trap handler and interrupt handler .
-->exception is generated when bypassing system call and trying to access core services of o.s.
now process terminate so scheduler will be invoked may be beacuse of system call API termination
( termination system call ) or exception handler will invoke the scheduler.
may be due to time slice ending ( time slice exhausted )
system call API and system call system routine -->
system call API are implemented using user space system libraries but system call system routine is implemented in different components of o.s.
they are intracting by one to one mapping.
system call API is needed to invoke the system call system routine.
system call API can be implemented using interrupt mechanism.
use of system call API --->
1) process creation and termination
2) thread creation and termination
3) i/o access
4) memory allocation and deallocation
5) syncronization
6) data exchange
7) file input/output access
8) many more
when system call API is invoked there is particular entry in system call libraries.
each system call lib is encoded in assembly language and execute the trap instruction
( system call lib contains ) which when execute cause an intrrupt results in switch from user
to kernel mode.
process will call lib as it call any function. create stack for lib functions. when trap instr
executed register will besaved, mode will change and kernel stack will generate.
buffer allcation ----> for figure MJB book
--> buffer pool is the part of the kernel data stucture and initialize at the time of system start
buffer pool is depend on the memory size and system performation.
--> every disk is logicaly detected by the kernel
i.e every filesystem ( unit number ) is transaleted in logical device number by the disk driver
that device number is used by kernel for every file system access
suppose we have 2 file system ext2 and ext3
then disk driver differentiate those drives by logical device number ( drive c, drive d in windows )
each logical device having blocks treated as block number
in bufferpool if we have 2 file system then we have 2 buffer list ( hash queue ) and free list.
buffer pool is only 1 but buffer list may be more
buffer header having buffer header and data array pointer.
we have hash queue and free buffer list ( both are circular doubly linked list )
--->when disk block is requested then process will use getblk algo and will search into the buffer cache
if itis there then return immediately other wise kernel will call the disk driver to schdule for read request
and goes to sleep for event I/O completion.disk driver will notifies the disk controller hardware that it
want to read data and disk controller will transfer the data into buffer.
in free list case --> using recently accessed buffer
the recently free buffer put at the end( tail ) of the list or at the head of the list ( in case of error
( I/O access error, hardware access problem ( in these case disk controller will not inform CPU by
giving intrruptand returned back to free list )) ) not in the middle .
1 disk block only allocated to one particular buffer at a same time.
put buffer in hash queue is same
hashqueue has make by using combination of device number and block number so
for put the disk block into the memory we want some searching acc. to the device number and block number
hash value in the hash queue if location found we will put there or will make location there by some mechenism.
we will get the block detail ( block location is there in hash queue or not ) from the hash queue and
for that block we have to find buffer from the free list.
if /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb3 are there then 2 buffer list ( hash queue ) is there and 2 free list.
buffer may be in hash queue and free list at same time .
buffer allocation is the case of system call only, not user space access
when disk block is accessed then first it will check into the hash queue first then free list
read and write access -->
high level modules ( file sub systenm ) will take care of fast access so it will take not only 1 but
2 disk block from the disk at same time ( time constraints ) ( read ahead algo )
1st will be syncronous that means the disk driver will read the data block into buffer ( will be in sleep
for I/O completion on 1st block ) and will not wait for 2nd. when 2nd will complete disk controller
will give intruupt to CPU that second was asyncronous and will release the buffer.( for other process use )
( like delayed write case ).
same with write operation
asyncronous and delayed write-->
in asyncrounous it will not wait for I/O completion but in delayed write itwill do as soon as possible and
make that as old so it will add to head not to tail.
at time of access if kernel request for the second buffer then it will checkfirst asyncrounous read buffer
and will provide that buffer to the block location.
we have 5 scnerios for buffer allocation
1) suppose i access the disk block from the drive c ( logicaly or /dev/sda2 in unix )
suppose i requested the 7th block data of device /dev/sdb2 so kernel high level algo will serach 7th block
and /dev/sdb hash value and search that in the hash table of particular f.s.
soppose it find the block location for alocation in the hash queue ( 7th block ) and its buffer is free
then it will allocate that buffer at that particular location and data manipulation on that buffer.
applicable to all scnerio --->
buffer will put on busy ( because other process can access that buffer if free )
after completion it will release buffer so other process who is waiting for that buffer to free or process
waiting as there was no free buffer will wakeup and take that buffer.
2) suppose i access the disk block from the drive c ( logicaly or /dev/sda2 in unix )
suppose i requested the 7th block data of device /dev/sdb2 so kernel high level algo will serach 7th block
and /dev/sdb hash value and search that in the hash table of particular f.s.
not find the location to put buffer for that block so it will take the buffer from free list and will make
the location for that block allocated buffer in hash queue.
3) block location is not there ( scnerio 2 ), it will get the buffer from the free list but free list
getting buffer is "delayed write" so asynchronous write for the delayed write buffer into the disk
and release delayed write buffer for other and will serach for other free buffer in free list.if again delayed
write then same process.
4) block location is not there not also free list is empty
it will wait for any free buffer.
5) block location is there but buffer is busy
that means somebody is using that disk block as i told you 1 block == 1 buffer otherwise data will currupt
so itwill wait for that buffer to free.
it will not assign that block dffrent buffer.
here race condition for free block can occur --->
as procee A is using that buffer and process B wants to use that buffer so Process B will go to sleep
but When process complete its task Process C access that because of waiting free buffer so it will
manipulate that may be in different mod list so when process B will wake up itwill check buffer but
buffer is not there so it will take new buffer from free list.